…linking intellect and intuition…
Who We Are What We Are

It has been over two years since I have posted. A lot has changed since then and not for the better. The world has gotten darker. Political, racial, ethnic, religious, and gender conflicts have gotten worse at the same time that climate change is producing weather anomalies that are becoming the norm. Droughts, floods, tornadoes, […]

ag here. It has now been a year since I wrote that The Elder has landed. So what has happened since then? Not much. ‘I’, The Elder, am still here. In fact, ‘I’ am stronger and more prominent than ever in my relationship with ag, and yet ‘I’ am still reticent to make myself known […]

When you decide it’s time to reach out and meet the people and you suddenly find there’s a website ready and waiting for you to do exactly that… WOW! That’s when you know the Universe is working just like it’s supposed to be.   So here we go. * * * “I AM ” here. […]

Handbook of the New Consciousness has just been entered in an international challenge put out by OpenIdeo and a philanthropic organization to handle global challenges at the intersection of peace, prosperity, and planet in radically new ways.  I offered my work as a way of Teaching the inner Oneness that connects us to the universe and […]

#New Consciousness is knowing that when we say #I AM… we are speaking fact… and that anything we say after that to describe ourselves… male… female… black… white… yellow… red… rich… poor… Hindu… Christian… Muslim… Jew… Atheist… whatever… are just filters and adjectives through which we view and experience the world. peace…….ag

Only three more days to go till the end of the year.  If, indeed, as I always claim, the first of the three rules of life is “Be happy”, then it has been a very good year.  I am truly blessed. peace……..ag

I wonder how this right-hand turn in American politics will effect the potential for spiritual advancement.  There is no question that the ascension of the far-right has also brought the liberal element together in its opposition.  There is no longer any middle ground.  You are either with your kind against all other kinds, or you […]

Happy Thanksgiving. peace……….ag  

So here’s what came to me yesterday as far as how to market my writing.  I will send a short pithy email to Stephen Hawking saying that I have broken into Black Holes and I wanted to share the technique with him before publication.  I will attach the article, Shredding the Event Horizon.  I will […]

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