Sat-chit-ananda. Existence… consciousness… bliss. That’s what some yogis call the Supreme Being. If you think of the Oneness as something else… Allah, Yahweh, Buddha, God… you would naturally think that a being called Sat-chit-ananda is not the One you believe in. That’s a big part of the problem. It’s only the names that are different. Oh yes… and the fact that It exists, not only out there, but within your very self.
One way or another, you are going to go into the light.
That’s just the way it works.
You come from the light…
You go into the light.
If you’ve got a body, at some point the body dies.
You do not need a physical body to exist.
You just need a body…
to see the light from the outside.
And that’s true for everything in the physical universe…
people, animals, trees, planets, stars, galaxies…
We all constantly come and go.
The light is always here.